Security matters: It matters!

Enhanced Security: Available NOW
Mounsey Web Consultancy has always valued the performance and security of their clients' websites incredibly highly.
Now firmly entrenched in the so-called "Information Age", hot topics such as "Cyber-security", "Denial of Service (DoS)" attacks and "Ransomware" are not merely idle threats from the pages of science fiction novels - but clear and present dangers to all Websites, large or small.
With that in mind, I am in the process of rolling out an optional but highly recommended enhanced security offering to all clients with one or more active WordPress-powered Websites (clients with multiple Sites will be offered a generous 50% discount if opting to upgrade to the enhanced security package on any of their additional Websites).
I have already successfully recommended and integrated these market-leading software and server tools to a selected number of clients - and will be rolling out this valuable, recommended upgrade to all clients over the Summer of 2021.
I should stress that those of you without the enhanced option in place need not have cause for immediate alarm. By default WordPress does include a number of useful security options - all of which are enabled by @mounsey by default. However, the enhanced option I am recommending goes considerably further, introducing important tools such as:
- Two-Factor Authenticated "2FA" Admin Logins
- Protected (Disguised) WordPress Login URLs
- Brute Force Protection
- Strong Password Enforcement
- .. and much more besides
Website security? It matters.
Well, personally I’m a big fan of all-things web security – as my own online shop Zimmer Frames Inc. was hacked a few years ago! A worrying experience for all. Hans.
Interesting to hear that recollection, Hans – as it doesn’t actually resonate with me. As I recall, you neglected to apply all those WordPress Updates.. and you WERE warned what might happen if you ignored them! John.