“Build it and They Won’t Necessarily Come..”

In today’s digital landscape dominated by Social Networks and Mobile Apps, I remain a staunch supporter of (and believer in) the equal importance of so-called “traditional” Website Design and Development.
Text, images, links and navigation menus. The “brass tacks”, if you like, of any Website.
Possessing and promoting an effective Website should still form a key part of any digital marketing business strategy – and yours should be no exception!
One vital point that I cannot stress enough though, is that the launch of your Website is merely “Day One” when it comes to establishing an effective online “Web Presence”.
If you are anticipating an immediate impact and guaranteed success (be it through customer orders, enquiries/lead generation or simply visits to the Website), then you are setting yourself up for big disappointment.
Launching a (completed) Website takes a matter seconds. Establishing one, however, is a considerably more challenging proposition.
Here at Mounsey Web Consultancy I work closely with my Clients to ensure that all available post-launch opportunities are considered (and wherever possible utilised) – helping your Website to not only hit the ground running – but to also steadily grow in popularity over those all important first few months (and then beyond).
It’s worth noting that even with the most comprehensive plans in place, this process can still sometimes take a considerable amount of time (to come to fruition), but my advice and continued input will help your Site have the very best chance of being a success.
If you have launched a Website but have been left disappointed by the number of enquiries and level of general interest expressed in, drop me a line for an informal chat about it.