10 Days to Go..! #GDPR
*Save the date!*
Unless you have been living under a rock (with no WiFi..) over the past few weeks in particular, you should already be aware of the shiny new legislation that will apply (across Europe) from 25th May, 2018
This new kid on the block is called “General Data Protection Regulation” (or “Oh No, Not Another Load of Purposefully Confusing and at Times Alarmist Legal Mumbo-Jumbo”, for short).
Let’s call it “GDPR” though, for the purposes of this article.
This new, frankly far-from-exciting-but-very-important set of rules has been extensively planned and developed here in Europe – but will have broader, global implications too, affecting all businesses holding personal information/data about their EU-based customers.
So, is GDPR the real deal? Yes, yes it is.
OK.. but does it affect your business?
The simple answer to this question for almost all businesses will be a definite “Yes”.
As one might expect, however, the extent of the impact GDPR will have is set to vary (widely) from business to business – and sector to sector. Here @ Mounsey Web Consultancy the key approach I am not only adopting myself – but also recommending to my own clients and contacts, is to “Be Prepared!” and also “Don’t Panic!”.
GDPR is, without doubt important – and as such cannot be ignored. It is also, however not necessarily the deeply complicated, daunting legislative beast that some (mostly legal) folks out there are trying to claim it is. For small businesses in particular, by taking a few simple steps and preparing for a few potential scenarios, your “house” will be in order for GDPR sooner than you might think.
There may be only 10 days before the new rules come into force (at the time of writing this, on 15th May), but there is still time to get things sorted. Furthermore, @mounsey can help.
Take a moment to ask yourself these questions:
Is there an up to date Privacy Policy on my Website(s)?
Do I have Google Analytics installed on my Website?
Do I use Email Marketing? (e.g. MailChimp)
Do I store Customer data? If “Yes”, where is it stored?
Is any such data encrypted and securely stored?
Do I need to retain and store this data?
Do I have a “Cookies” notice on my Website?
Have a notified existing customers about all of the above?
Do I/we have their approved content to store any such data?
How many members of my [your] staff have and need access to such data?
If you are less than 100% certain about any of the above, please consider getting in touch. I am able to advise and/or offer hands-on help with all of the above – and more besides.

For (much) more information (from the Horse’s Mouth) on all-things GDPR, I recommend visiting the Information Commissioner’s Office Website HERE > https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr #GDPR