WordPress 5.x – “So far, so good…”
Obviously it is still very early days (minutes, in fact…)
– but given the huge importance (and general levels of apprehension in the developer community), I’m both pleased and relieved to report that I have now successfully upgraded four of my own Websites to the shiny new 5.0 release of WordPress.
I’m using the new Gutenberg editor to type this simple blog post – and a similar story there. We’ve had several months to give this all-new editor a try (by way of the interim Plugin version) – so there are few surprises, so far…
If you are a fellow WordPress Website owner and are wondering whether or not to take the plunge, I say go for it*
*providing you have a suitable Backup provision in place, such as iThemes’ excellent “BackupBuddy” (as used by @mounsey).